Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Picture Your Life With Vision Board

A vision board is  a visual representation of what you want to have, what you want to be, and what you want to do in your life it is a very personal, powerful, yet simple visual tool that activates the universal law of attraction to begin turning your dreams into reality  . Dreaming big and planning can make one to fulfill his/her dream come true . 

Vision board  is the best way to keep ourself motivated  and making one vision board will remind us daily what exactly is our motivation and the goal in future.one can  Begin by collecting images, pictures, Once you've collected a bunch of items, get yourself a poster-board and start, gluing items to your board and don't forget you can write or paint on there too! The beauty of the vision board is that it only needs to make sense to you!

  colours, almost attract everyone so make your vision board a bit colourful so that it always attracts you and remind you of  your dream.

BENEFITS - Looking at the board every day will cause you to always be aware of your dreams and goals.

Believe - Remember, a large part of your success with a vision board is believing that you deserve what is reflected on your board. This belief will become the catalyst for you to do what's necessary to meet your goals and achieve your dreams.

Update it - As your vision and dreams shift remember to update your vision board. You want what you've imagined in your mind to move into the tangible world with consistency.

Be patient & never give up - Keep using your vision board to help you to clarify and focus your goals and your dreams. Just because you put an image on your board and it isn't manifested in your life within 2 months doesn't mean that it doesn't work. You have to remain patient, use the tool, believe that you deserve what you've envisioned and keep on living your life. It will come to pass if you keep the faith and allow the Universe to work seeming miracles.

It would be best to keep your vision board next to your bed.  So that you wake up with a strong determination to perform and learn so much to be successful ,and goes for sleep with a dream in your eyes . Visualizing in the evening just before going to bed is really powerful. To know more about it, click here.

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